Column formatting with reactable

This post explains how to build an interactive table with the reactable package. It provides several reproducible examples on how to format the columns

Correlogram section Data to Viz

Default table with reactable

Simply pass a table or dataframe as the first argument to the reactable function.

library("reactable") # load the package

# Create the dataset 
df = data.frame(
  date = as.POSIXct(c("2019-01-02 3:22:15", "2019-03-15 09:15:55", "2019-09-22 14:20:00"), tz = "America/New_York"),
  currency = c(1000, 2000, 3000),
  temperature = c(10, 20, 30),
  percentage = c(0.12, 0.23, 0.34)

tab = reactable(df)

saveWidget(tab, file=paste0(getwd(), "/HtmlWidget/column-formatting-reactable-1.html"))

Date formatting

Use the colFormat function to format the date. You can also use the format argument to customize the date format.

There is 3 date format: datetime, date and time.

datetimes = as.POSIXct(c("2019-01-02 3:22:15", "2019-03-15 09:15:55", "2019-09-22 14:20:00"),
                        tz = "America/New_York")
data = data.frame(
  datetime = datetimes,
  date = datetimes,
  time = datetimes,
  time_24h = datetimes,
  datetime_pt_BR = datetimes

tab = reactable(data, columns = list(
                datetime = colDef(format = colFormat(datetime = TRUE)),
                date = colDef(format = colFormat(date = TRUE)),
                time = colDef(format = colFormat(time = TRUE)),
                time_24h = colDef(format = colFormat(time = TRUE, hour12 = FALSE)),
                datetime_pt_BR = colDef(format = colFormat(datetime = TRUE, locales = "pt-BR"))

# Save the widget
saveWidget(tab, file=paste0(getwd(), "/HtmlWidget/column-formatting-reactable-2.html"))

Currency formatting

In the colFormat function, use the currency argument to format the currency. You mainly have to specify the locales argument to customize the currency format.

data = data.frame(
  USD = c(12.12, 2141.213, 0.42, 1.55, 34414),
  EUR = c(10.68, 1884.27, 0.37, 1.36, 30284.32),
  INR = c(861.07, 152122.48, 29.84, 110, 2444942.63),
  JPY = c(1280, 226144, 44.36, 164, 3634634.61),
  MAD = c(115.78, 20453.94, 4.01, 15, 328739.73)

tab = reactable(data, columns = list(
  USD = colDef(format = colFormat(currency = "USD", separators = TRUE, locales = "en-US")),
  EUR = colDef(format = colFormat(currency = "EUR", separators = TRUE, locales = "de-DE")),
  INR = colDef(format = colFormat(currency = "INR", separators = TRUE, locales = "hi-IN")),
  JPY = colDef(format = colFormat(currency = "JPY", separators = TRUE, locales = "ja-JP")),
  MAD = colDef(format = colFormat(currency = "MAD", separators = TRUE, locales = "ar-MA"))

# Save the widget
saveWidget(tab, file=paste0(getwd(), "/HtmlWidget/column-formatting-reactable-3.html"))

Numeric value formatting

df = data.frame(
  temperature = c(10, 20, 30),
  percentage = c(0.12, 0.23, 0.34)

tab = reactable(df, columns = list(
  temperature = colDef(format = colFormat(suffix = " °C")),
  percentage = colDef(format = colFormat(percent = TRUE, prefix = "Percent: "))

saveWidget(tab, file=paste0(getwd(), "/HtmlWidget/column-formatting-reactable-4.html"))


This post explains how to build an interactive table with reactable and how to format the columns.

I encourage you to check the reactable page to learn more about it.

Related chart types

Connected scatter
Density 2d


This document is a work by Yan Holtz. Any feedback is highly encouraged. You can fill an issue on Github, drop me a message on Twitter, or send an email pasting with

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